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Parallel MPI application to synchronize two files or two directory trees.

dsync makes DEST match SRC, adding missing entries from DEST, and updating existing entries in DEST as necessary so that SRC and DEST have identical content, ownership, timestamps, and permissions.



Show differences without changing anything.

-b, --batch-files N

Batch files into groups of up to size N during copy operation.

--bufsize SIZE

Set the I/O buffer to be SIZE bytes. Units like "MB" and "GB" may immediately follow the number without spaces (e.g. 8MB). The default bufsize is 4MB.

--chunksize SIZE

Multiple processes copy a large file in parallel by dividing it into chunks. Set chunk to be at minimum SIZE bytes. Units like "MB" and "GB" can immediately follow the number without spaces (e.g. 64MB). The default chunksize is 4MB.

--daos-prefix PREFIX

Specify the DAOS prefix to be used. This is only necessary if copying a subset of a POSIX container in DAOS using a Unified Namespace path.

--daos-api API

Specify the DAOS API to be used. By default, the API is automatically determined based on the container type, where POSIX containers use the DFS API, and all other containers use the DAOS object API. Values must be in {DFS, DAOS}.

-c, --contents

Compare files byte-by-byte rather than checking size and mtime to determine whether file contents are different.

-D, --delete

Delete extraneous files from destination.

-L, --dereference

Dereference symbolic links and copy the target file or directory that each symbolic link refers to.

-P, --no-dereference

Do not follow symbolic links in source paths. Effectviely allows symbolic links to be copied when the link target is not valid or there is not permission to read the link's target.

-s, --direct

Use O_DIRECT to avoid caching file data.

Create hardlink in DEST to files in DIR when file is unchanged rather than create a new file. One can use this option to conserve storage space during an incremental backup.

For example in the following, any file that would be copied from /src to / that is the same as the file already existing in /src.bak will instead be hardlinked to the file in /src.bak:

# initial backup of /src dsync /src /src.bak

# incremental backup of /src dsync --link-dest /src.bak /src /

-S, --sparse

Create sparse files when possible.

--progress N

Print progress message to stdout approximately every N seconds. The number of seconds must be a non-negative integer. A value of 0 disables progress messages.

-v, --verbose

Run in verbose mode. Prints a list of statistics/timing data for the command. Files walked, started, completed, seconds, files, bytes read, byte rate, and file rate.

-q, --quiet

Run tool silently. No output is printed.

-h, --help

Print the command usage, and the list of options available.


  1. Synchronize dir2 to match dir1:

mpirun -np 128 dsync /path/to/dir1 /path/to/dir2


The mpiFileUtils source code and all documentation may be downloaded from <>