

dwalk [OPTION] PATH ...


Parallel MPI application to recursively walk and list contents in a directory.

dwalk provides functionality similar to ls(1) and du(1). Like du(1), the tool reports a summary of the total number of files and bytes. Like ls(1), the tool sorts and prints information about individual files.

The output can be sorted on different fields (e.g, name, user, group, size, etc). A histogram of file sizes can be computed listing the number of files that fall into user-defined bins.


-i, --input FILE

Read source list from FILE. FILE must be generated by another tool from the mpiFileUtils suite.

-o, --output FILE

Write the processed list to FILE in binary format. Format can be changed With --text option.

-t, --text

Must be used with the --output option. Write processed list of files to FILE in ascii text format.

-l, --lite

Walk file system without stat.

-s, --sort FIELD

Sort output by comma-delimited fields (see below).

-d, --distribution size:SEPARATORS

Print the distribution of file sizes. For example, specifying size:0,80,100 will report the number of files that have size 0 bytes, between 1-80 bytes, between 81-99 bytes, and 100 bytes or greater.

-f, --file-histogram

Creates a file histogram without requiring the user to provide the bin sizes. The bins are created dynamically based on the max file size. The first bin is always for only zero byte files, and the rest go up until the max file size is included in the very last bin. It always goes up by orders of magnitude in powers of two. So, an example of bin separators would be: 0, 2^10, 2^20, 2^30. Assuming the max file size was somewhere within the 2^20 - 2^30 range. The histogram also includes both files and directories.

-p, --print

Print files to the screen.

-L, --dereference

Dereference symbolic links and walk the target file or directory that each symbolic link refers to.

--progress N

Print progress message to stdout approximately every N seconds. The number of seconds must be a non-negative integer. A value of 0 disables progress messages.

-v, --verbose

Run in verbose mode.

-q, --quiet

Run tool silently. No output is printed.

-h, --help

Print usage.


By default, the list of files dwalk captures is not sorted. To sort the list, one or more fields can be specified in a comma-delimited list:


A field name can be preceded with ‘-’ to sort by that field in reverse order.

A lexicographic sort is executed if more than one field is given.


  1. To print summary information for a directory:

mpirun -np 128 dwalk -v /dir/to/walk

  1. To print a list of files, sorted by file size, then by file name:

mpirun -np 128 dwalk –print –sort size,name /dir/to/walk

  1. To save the list of files:

mpirun -np 128 dwalk –output out.dwalk /dir/to/walk

  1. Print the file distribution for specified histogram based on the size field from the top level directory.

mpirun -np 128 dwalk -v –print -d size:0,20,1G src/


The mpiFileUtils source code and all documentation may be downloaded from <https://github.com/hpc/mpifileutils>